The School-Based Programs are offered to students identified by the Oil City Area School District.
We are licensed in the State of Pennsylvania by the PA Department of Human Services to provide Intensive Behavioral Health Services to identified students in the Oil City Area School District.
Clinical teams support identified students at Hasson Elementary, Oil City Middle School, and Oil City High School within the Oil City Area School District. The teams use a relational, ecosystemic approach to assist troubled and troubling students through both individual and group services. The model stresses the development of positive relationships for students within their families, peer group, and community to build healthy skills with the overall goal of preventing out-of-school placements.
• The H.E.I.G.H.T.S. Program is a Building-Wide Model for students in grades K-8 located at Hasson Heights Elementary School and the Oil City Middle School.
• The O. C. P.R.E.P. Program is an Integrated Classroom for students in grades 9-12 located in the Oil City High School.
Both the H.E.I.G.H.T.S. Program and the Oil City P.R.E.P. Program have been developed as a least restrictive, least intrusive school-based behavioral health model which embraces Nicholas Hobbs’ “ecological” philosophy to serving children and adolescents with serious mental and behavioral problems, guided by the 12 principles of Re-Education. Dr. Hobbs identified the following 12 principles to summarize the essence of Re-ED:
- Life is to be lived now
- Trust is essential
- Every child should be helped to be good at something
- Time is an ally
- Self-control can be taught
- Life skills and coping strategies can be taught
- Feelings should be shared and nurtured
- The group is important
- Ceremony and ritual give order
- The body is the framework of the self
- Communities are important
- A child should know joy each day and look forward to joy tomorrow

The Circle of Courage
The Circle of Courage is a model of resilience that teaches students appropriate group functioning and helps to increase self-control.
The students progress through the four (4) components of the Circle of Courage by learning the skills necessary to:
- belong in a group
- master self-control and academic skills
- demonstrate independence
- display generosity toward others